Blog Articles


Jablotron 100 and the JA-KNX gateway
The ELAUSYS JA-KNX gateway enables communication between Jablotron 100 alarm systems and KNX installations. KNX is the standard for wired home automation and building automation. It is used in many (office) buildings, large complexes but also in homes, and is known for its high reliability.

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Jablotron SmartHub Home Assistant link

Jablotron SmartHub Home Assistant link

The SmartHub is an extra module to use the outputs of your Jablotron control panel as inputs for Home Assistant, but also for IFTTT. Now you can give all existing sensors of your Jablotron alarm an extra function, for example controlling lamps etc..

PLEASE NOTE: This concerns the (older IFTTT model) SmartHub from before 2024.

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UniView: Deep-Learning Function

Deep-Learning Function

Deep learning, also called deep structured learning or hierarchical learning, is part of machine learning. Deep learning, just like machine learning, falls under the heading of Artificial Intelligence. The algorithm behind deep learning is based on pattern recognition. After an endless amount of input, for example photos of a dog, the algorithm learns itself to recognize a dog in the future. 

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Jablotron 100 Home Assistant Integration

Jablotron 100 Home Assistant Integration

Home Assistant (HA) is an open source home automation platform in the same category as Domoticz and openHAB. The Home Assistant platform has a huge number of native integrations and a large community with additional integrations for so much more connected devices. Most of the community integrations are delivered through the Home Assistant Community Store (HACS).

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Interfacing Jablotron 100 without cloud

Interfacing Jablotron systems

Interfacing Jablotron systems to PC / domotica without the Cloud

An additional requirement that we had was that the solution should be completely cloud-free: no connection or dependency on any manufacturer's Internet 'cloud' servers or smartphone apps whatsoever...

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Jablotron JA-116H Wiring Module

Jablotron JA-116H Module

Combine the JA-100 control panel with wired existing Honeywell bus components. "A Honeywell Galaxy G2 system with 32 wired components was installed in our new home ...". In this article we show you how you can use the rich functionality of a Jablotron 100 central unit with your existing wired detectors from another brand.

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The new Jablotron 100+

Jablotron 100+

The new Jablotron 100+ was launched at the beginning of 2019. With that product innovation, an alarm system with extensive options and new features is brought to the market. The new version meets the needs of large homes, apartment complexes, schools and larger commercial buildings.

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IP versus Analog CCTV...

What should I take: Digital IP or Analog CCTV? IP cameras can generate better image quality, are easy to install and always expandable, however analog cameras are more efficient, have lower price and are reliable. Both types of cameras have their pros and cons, it's all about the right camera in the right place. 

For a good understanding and therefore a good choice for a security camera, a brief explanation of the difference between Analog cameras and IP cameras.

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Jablotron 100 + Fibaro Connection

Fibaro z-wave

Connecting Jablotron 100 with Fibaro, Z-Wave protocol.

What is home automation? In short: it is a clever integration of technology and services, to control your home devices for a better quality of life. A home automation system uses a variety of sensors and actors. A sensor makes an observation and can control one or more actors. Actors make a circuit or send out a signal.

Home automation is a step toward what is referred to as the "Internet of Things," in which everything has an assigned IP address, and can be monitored and accessed remotely.

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