AJAX FireProtect 2-RB-HSC, capteurs optiques, thermiques et de CO - Tous les Vragens

AJAX AJ-FIRE-2-RB-HSC FireProtect 2, White, Optical Detector with Thermal and CO Sensors
AJAX FireProtect 2-RB-HSC, capteurs optiques, thermiques et de CO
135,00 € 111,57 €
Hello, can Ajax fire detector be used as a siren in case of break-in? That would make it useful compared to other connected fire detectors, as it would create loud noise in case of break-in. Or do I need to have internal sirens even if I also have AJAX fire detectors?
Interrogé par : Konstantin sur 13 juin 2024, 00:12
Unfortunately, this is not possible with the Ajax system, the siren only goes off in the event of a fire alarm. With Jablotron this is possible.

Réponse par : Frank Ligthart (Admin) sur 13 juin 2024, 13:46
Are all detectors including mounting plates?
Interrogé par : David sur 21 oct. 2024, 14:01
Correct! All detectors are including the mounting plate.

Réponse par : Frank Ligthart (Admin) sur 21 oct. 2024, 14:03

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